Our suppliers
Mondi's supply chain partners are essential to our success. Work with us to help shape the future of the paper and packaging industry.
of goods and services
Sustainable supply chain management
By developing a deep understanding of who we work with, we can build collaborative partnerships that support our business, ensure quality products, mitigate risk and help meet our sustainability goals.

Responsible procurement
We engage with our suppliers to mitigate sustainability-related risks and create transparency in our supply chain. Using our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, we begin by screening risk in four areas: environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. We assess potentially high-risk suppliers individually and request improvement plans where needed.

Supply chain decarbonisation
Scope 3 GHG emissions, reflect indirect emissions across our value chain and account for a significant portion of Mondi's total GHG emissions. Collaboration with our suppliers is essential for meeting our science-based targets of reducing these by 27.5% by 2030 against our 2019 baseline and achieving Net-Zero by 2050. Our supplier engagement programme defines how to achieve this, from understanding our value chain emissions and improving data quality to identify and taking action where we can make the most impact.

Quality management
We expect our suppliers to contribute to Mondi’s commitment to Zero Non-Conformity by maintaining sustainable quality standards at all times. Only by assuring the right level of quality throughout the whole supply chain can we guarantee the standards our customers require and trust, every time and everywhere.

Supplier development
Close partnership with suppliers is integral to Mondi's ability to deliver long-term stakeholder value. We engage continuously with our suppliers in the development of new sustainable solutions - beginning with qualification, followed by performance monitoring and rounded up by regular supplier evaluation and auditing.
Partner with us
Complete our supplier application form today to introduce your company and register interest in working with Mondi.

Honesty and integrity
We are committed to ethical business conduct. Through our SpeakOut platform you can raise concerns anonymously.

Shared ambition
“Our suppliers are essential in enabling us to produce the products our customers need, in the quality they require. We have set high sustainability ambitions within our Mondi Action Plan 2030, including our commitment to maintaining a responsible, transparent and secure supply chain with close supplier engagement at its core.”
Tomasz Strzemkowski, Chief Procurement Officer
Code of Conduct
- Code of Conduct for Suppliers - EN
- Verhaltenskodex für Lieferanten - DE
- Código de conducta para proveedores de Mondi - ES
- Code de conduite des fournisseurs de Mondi - FR
- Codice di condotta di Mondi per i fornitori - IT
- Kodeks Postępowania Dostawców - PL
- Kodex chování pro dodavatele - CZ
- Tedarikçilere Yönelik Davranış Kuralları Tüzüğü - TR
Quality requirements
Terms and conditions
Supplier privacy notices
Delivering for our customers, globally