
Strong sustainability governance systems, policies and a clear commitment to transparency underpin Mondi's resilience and success.

Mondi CEO Andrew King talking with colleagues in plant

Our Sustainability Governance Framework

We engage openly and transparently with stakeholders across the value chain to run an inclusive and fair business. Robust policies, standards and management systems to address risks and opportunities guide our operations and enable us to measure our performance and meet our commitments. 

The accountability for sustainable development policies, systems practices, commitments and the effectiveness of our approach to managing all aspects of sustainability is monitored at four levels.  

Take a closer look at our Sustainability Governance Framework infographic

Governance roles and management

Role of the Board and committees

Role of the Group Sustainable Development

Role of the Group Internal Audit

Mondi's Sustainable Development Management System

Our sustainability due diligence systems

Mondi SpeakOut representative


The audit committee oversees the adequacy of SpeakOut, our anonymous whistleblowing and grievance platform, for all our stakeholders to raise any concern. The Internal Audit team is responsible for day-to-day monitoring of the SpeakOut process, ensuring that management is appropriately informed about reported issues and that related risks are adequately managed. To report any concern confidentially please see our SpeakOut contacts.

Sustainability reporting suite 2023

Learn about Mondi’s approach to sustainability, our performance and our supporting indices and consolidated performance data.

2024 Mondi reporting