Mondi Frantschach
Contact info
About Mondi Frantschach
With more than 140 years of experience and know-how, Mondi Frantschach is today one of the world’s leading producers of sack kraft paper, machine-glazed speciality kraft paper and speciality market pulp.
Mondi Frantschach supplies paper and pulp to numerous packaging producers and converters around the globe. Through consistent implementation of an innovative corporate strategy and extensive investment in recent years, Mondi Frantschach has developed the site into one of the world’s most advanced mills for sack kraft paper, machine-glazed speciality kraft paper and speciality market pulp.
Historic milestones
1881 Gräfl. Henckel v. Donnersmarck’sche Cellulose Fabrik Frantschach founded
1894 First paper machine set up
1914 Lease between the Hartmann family and Count Henckel von Donnersmarck
1924 Mill acquired by Hofrat Wilhelm Hartmann
1938 Zellstoff- & Papierfabrik Frantschach AG
1952 Restitution to the Hartmann family; company re-established
1988 Patria Papier & Zellstoff AG
1992 Mondi acquires a 44% stake in Frantschach AG
2001 Frantschach Pulp & Paper Austria AG
2004 Frantschach AG becomes wholly owned by Mondi
2004 Mondi Packaging Frantschach GmbH
2006 R&D Innovation Centre opened
2008 Mondi Frantschach GmbH
2008 Bag Application Centre opened
2013 Recovery Boiler 4 set up
2021 140th anniversary of the Frantschach mill
Advanced technology: your success is guaranteed
Innovative pulp technology is the basis for the high-quality paper we produce. All our machines use state-of-the-art technology to produce high-quality packaging paper and specialty market pulp.
Mondi Frantschach has been ISO 14001 certified since 1998, and its environmental management system forms an integral part of operations. The mill also holds ISO 9001 (quality management system) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management) certifications. The mill’s electronic legal register is updated on an ongoing basis, and highly qualified staff monitor compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.
Most wood for production is from Austrian forests and is PEFC and FSC certified.
Paper and pulp used for food packaging fulfils the requirements of FSSC 22000 (hygiene management system).
The paper and packaging of tomorrow
Mondi Frantschach is a Mondi R&D centre serving the entire Mondi Group. The R&D Innovation Centre, the Bag Application Centre, the Food Safety Laboratory and the Recycling Lab have already developed and tested numerous new products.
Commitment to the environment
The positive corporate development with extensive investments in environmental protection has strengthened the plant as a significant economic factor and makes it one of the largest employers in the region.
Commitment to the region
The town of Frantschach has always had close historical ties with the mill and its development, and the infrastructure benefits the local population. By providing support to community projects and by sponsoring sports and cultural events, the mill makes an active contribution to community life in the town and the region as a whole.
Commitment to the community
Mondi Frantschach finances the Mondi Lerncafé at the secondary schools in St. Gertraud and Wolfsberg; and it provides support for organisations with ties to the mill, for example the Mondi Frantschach light orchestra, the Frantschach fire brigade and local sports clubs.
Work at Mondi Frantschach

Allgemeine Dokumente / General Documents
Standardbeilagen für Verträge und Bestellungen / General Attachments for contracts and purchase oders
Dienstleistungen, Service, Reparaturen, Wartung, Personal, Kontraktoren, Rahmenbestellungen, Kontrakte / services, maintenance, personal, contractors, framework orders, contracts
Allgemeine Unterweisen inkl. Lebensmittelsicherheit, Abfall, Brandschutz und Vexat (DE)
Allgemeine Unterweisen inkl. Lebensmittelsicherheit, Abfall, Brandschutz und Vexat (EN)
Allgemeine Richtlinien Kontraktoren (DE)
General Guidelines for Contractors (EN)
Kardinalregeln Kontraktoren (DE)
Mondi Risk Assessment Example (DE/EN)
Mondi Safety Penalties (DE/EN)
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (DE/EN)
Zusätzliche Sicherheitsrichtlinien
Mondi Safe Angle Grinding Guidance Note (EN)
Beilagen für Projekte, Investitionen und Grossreparaturen / Attachements for projects, investments and major overhauls
GTC für CAPEX Bestellungen (DE)
Annex J1
Example Risk Assessment (DE/EN)
Mondi Safe Angle Grinding Guidance Note (EN)
Mondi Safe High Pressure Cleaning Requirement (EN)
Mondi Scaffold Safety and Best Practice (EN)
Annex J2
Annex J4
Allgemeine Unterweisung inkl. Lebensmittelsicherheit, Abfall, Brandschutz & Vexat (EN)
Allgemeine Unterweisung inkl. Lebensmittelsicherheit, Abfall, Brandschutz & Vexat (DE)
Allgemeine Richtlinien Kontraktoren (DE)
General Guidelines for Contractors (EN)
Sustainability and safety certificates
If you need information about specific Quality and/or Hygiene certificates, please contact your Mondi sales representative.