Re-use of packaging

Re-use of packaging

The PPWR requires some packaging types to be reusable by 2030

Re-use is a key component of the PPWR, aimed at reducing packaging waste in food and transport packaging, as well as between operational sites.

Paper bags and cardboard boxes fall outside the scope of the reuse provisions. Check out here our compliant eCommerce packaging solutions. Based on our current understanding, the reuse target applies exclusively to the specified formats mentioned, with other formats not falling within its scope.

By 2030 the following packaging types must be reuseable within a system of reuse:

  • At least 40%

    of transport packaging or sales packaging, including e-commerce, in certain formats (pallets, foldable-plastic boxes, boxes, trays, plastic crates, intermediate bulk containers, pails, drums canisters of all sizes and materials, incl. flexible formats and pallet strapping and wraps)

  • At least 10%

    of grouped packaging in the form of boxes used outside of sales packaging to create a stock keeping or distribution unit

  • At least 10%

    of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in sales packaging

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