Taking Action on Climate
We are committed to protecting the environment we operate in to mitigate climate change and improve our environmental performance.
Protecting our environment
We understand that as a business, we play a critical role in addressing climate change, setting targets and innovating to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and help drive the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Taking committed steps to reduce our CO2e emissions will help minimise our contribution to climate change and improve efficiency as we reduce our energy use and deliver value through sustainable products and solutions. Maintaining ecosystem resilience is critical for climate change mitigation and achieving our climate goals.
Taking action on climate is an integral part of our Mondi Action Plan 2030 (MAP2030).
reduction of our absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared with our 2019 baseline
of our energy was from renewables in 2024
of our fibre is responsibly sourced, with 76% FSC™ or PEFC certified, with the balance controlled wood
2024 taking action on climate
Our key climate topics
We are working to reduce our GHG emissions in line with a 1.5°C scenario.
Our approved science-based Net-Zero targets cover GHG emissions from our operations and supply chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3).

Sustainable working forests have a critical role in addressing the climate crisis and in securing long-term benefits for society and for landowners.

Water and biodiversity are key factors for ecosystem resilience.
We collaborate with partners to support the development of biodiversity action plans and water impact assessments.
photo credit: Scott Ramsay

Our climate commitments, targets and performance
Reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with science-based Net-Zero targets
Reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46.2% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline
Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 27.5% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline
Reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 90% by 2050 from a 2019 baseline
2024 performance
We achieved a reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 31% compared with our 2019 baseline, and 11% since the previous year, mainly due to projects in Richards Bay, Merebank (both South Africa) and ŠtÄ›tí (Czech Republic).
79% of fuels used in our pulp and paper mills were from renewable sources.
Our Scope 3 emissions were estimated to represent 59% of our total GHG emissions. In 2024, our Scope 3 GHG emissions were around 2.72 million tonnes of CO2e. This is an increase of 8% against last year, primarily due to higher production volumes in 2024 compared to 2023, with a correspondingly higher amount of raw materials purchased.
In 2024, we engaged on decarbonisation topics with strategic raw material suppliers and organised workshops to discuss primary data availability, supplier GHG reduction targets and their transition plans.
Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions decreased by 0.05 million tonnes in 2024, which is a decrease of 1% since last year and a 22% reduction compared with our 2019 baseline.
Maintain zero deforestation in our wood supply, sourcing from resilient forests
Maintain 100% FSC™ certification in our own forest landholdings
100% responsibly sourced fibre with 75% FSC or PEFC certified fibre procured by 2025 and the remainder meeting the FSC Controlled Wood Standard
Implement leading forestry measures to ensure productive and resilient forests
2024 performance
We maintained FSC certification in our own forestry landholdings. In South Africa, we passed surveillance audits and confirmed conformance with the FSC and PEFC forestry management certification standards.
100% of our fibre was responsibly sourced, with 75% FSC and PEFC certified and the remainder meeting the FSC Controlled Wood standard. We successfully integrated our new operation in Canada. Our Hinton pulp mill passed recertification audits against PEFC and FSC Chain-of-Custody standards.
In 2024, we completed the first phase of our TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS partnership with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and published an evidence-based synthesis study on European forests in disruptive times. Read more here.
Safeguard biodiversity and water resources in our operations and beyond
Conduct water stewardship assessments at our mills and forestry operations by 2025, and implement required actions to address the findings by 2030
Conduct biodiversity assessments at our mills and forest operations, introducing biodiversity action plans where necessary by 2025
2024 performance
We completed water stewardship assessments in our mills in Austria (Frantschach, Ulmerfeld-Hausmening and Kematen), Finland (Kuopio) and Sweden (Dynäs). To date, we have assessed 92% of our operations.
With all biodiversity status reviews finalised in 2021, we have developed biodiversity action plans for 92% of our mills and forestry operations. In 2024 we introduced action plans in our mills in Slovakia (Ružomberok), Poland (Åšwiecie), Czech Republic (ŠtÄ›tí), Türkiye (Tire) and South Africa (Merebank).
We contributed to the development of the Forest and Nature Metrics tool by WBCSD's Forest Solutions Group, which provides a set of prioritised metrics most relevant and practical for measuring and reporting on the impacts of sustainable forest management.
We also extended our Mondi South Africa and WWF-South Africa partnership on water stewardship (WWF-MWSP) for another three years. Read more here.

External recognition for our Sustainability practices
We have been recognised as a leader in sustainability practices by several external corporate ratings and indices, including CDP, MSCI ESG rating and EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility ratings.