Empowered People
We are committed to creating an empowered and inclusive team that contributes to a better world.

Inspiring a global and diverse workforce
With 22,000 Mondi employees in more than 30 countries, we want to inspire a global and diverse workforce, which feels empowered and safe to develop the skills they need now and in the future.
Our role as an employer is to support our people in realising their individual potentials. We aim to create an inclusive work environment that provides equal opportunities and values safety, health and mental wellbeing.
Empowering people is an integral part of our Mondi Action Plan 2030 (MAP2030).
women employed across Mondi
Mondi colleagues have access to an Employee Assistance Programme offer
Total Recordable Case Rate safety performance
2024 empowered people
Our people commitments, targets and performance
Build skills that support long-term employability
Enable our employees to participate in upskilling programmes
2024 performance
Employees and contractors across Mondi completed 566,333 hours of training, including 39% of hours dedicated to safety training. Average training hours (including safety training for contractors) equates to 25 hours per employee. We delivered 4,173 hours of targeted sustainability training sessions through our Sustainable Development Academy, and business unit specific training offers.
Provide purposeful employment for all our employees in a diverse and inclusive workplace
Achieve 90% Purpose Satisfaction score in our Employee Survey
Achieve 90% Inclusiveness score in our Employee Survey
Employ 30% women across Mondi
2024 performance
Over the past year, we have implemented local actions across the Group to address issues raised in the 2023 Employee Survey. On a Group level we have been looking at how we can promote psychological safety and reinforce a culture of listening and caring. We have conducted a global pulse survey on speaking up with a 78% participation rate in 2024. This high level of engagement provides us with a representative sample and enables us to take meaningful action across the organisation.
We continued our efforts to foster an open and inclusive culture through the Curious Community and Employee Resource Groups.
In 2024, we had 23.4% female employees and 32% of all new hires were women (slightly up from 22.6% and 28.4% respectively). The female representation on our Executive Committee is 29%. We have four (40%) female directors on the Mondi Board (2023: 40%).
Create an environment that enables a positive work-life experience, valuing safety health and mental wellbeing
Zero fatalities
Zero life-altering injuries
15% reduction of Total Recordable Case Rate
Support our employees in pursuit of a work-life experience that enhances their wellbeing
Our operations drive awareness of and take measures to improve health and mental wellbeing
2024 performance
Regrettably we experienced a fatality of an employee at our Merebank mill (South Africa) during a routine maintenance activity in 2024.
Sadly, we also experienced three life-altering
injuries during the year, in our Bupak plant (Czech Republic), Tire mill (Türkiye) and Wellsburg, West Virginia plant (USA). All incidents were investigated based on the principles of Social Psychology of Risk to identify the root causes and contributing factors, and the necessary actions were taken to prevent reoccurrences.
We had 224 recordable cases in our operations (excluding new acquisitions). This equates to a TRCR (Total Recordable Case Rate) of 0.68 and represents a 2% increase compared with our 2020 baseline of 0.67. We did not meet our 2024 TRCR milestone of 0.63; however, our
performance remains among the safety leaders in the industry. We will maintain our focus on continuous improvement to achieve our 2030 TRCR milestone of 0.57.
As of 2024, 100% of Mondi colleagues have access to an Employee Assistance Programme offer (including national programmes in the
USA, Canada, and South Africa).
Enabling continuous learning and tailored career paths
Digitalisation, automation and augmentation shape future workplaces and we must develop skills programmes that enable everyone to acquire and refine the needed skills and capabilities.
Click through the key pillars of Mondi’s culture, learning offer and career opportunities below.
We support our employees to realise their individual goals and see their contribution to Mondi’s purpose by promoting a diverse and inclusive work culture that fosters a positive work-life experience and mental wellbeing.

Our goal is to be a great place to work by engaging and developing our people to unpack their potential. We offer our employees access to continuous learning at any time, with in-person training, digital learning tools and e-learning tailored to the needs of employees and the business.

The International Graduate Programme is designed to enhance Mondi’s talent pipeline and support the early development of future leaders by giving them the opportunity to gain experiences in different locations and departments.

Moving from traditional safety to Social Psychology of Risk
Safety initiatives have focused mainly on workspace issues, including engineering controls and risk assessments. Discover how we changed the focus of our safety approach to balance safety controls and people by introducing the concept of Social Psychology of Risk. This new approach covers three aspects: workspace (physical controls), headspace (psychology) and groupspace (cultural and group dynamics).