Contribution to UN SDGs

We have identified seven strategically most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and set various actions and practices across our business to contribute to the targets.

Mondi Richardsbay wood worker

Contributing to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We believe businesses have a responsibility to help deliver on the UN SDGs. 

The strong link between our business practices and the UN SDGs brings focus and perspective to our own sustainability goals, strengthens our social relevance as a business, and helps us set targets that are more impactful. 

We have identified our seven strategically most relevant UN SDGs, covering areas with the greatest impact on our business and where we can contribute to positive change at scale.  

Read more about our contribution below. 

sdg 6

Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)

Our manufacturing is water intensive, as our mills and converting operations impact on water resources through their operations. Water is also used in the fibre supply chain. We manage our impacts on freshwater resources to meet rising demand for sustainable products while managing our water impacts at a landscape level. We aim to use water efficiently and increase water recycling in our operations.
sdg 7

Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7)

Energy self-sufficiency can reduce costs and increases energy security, while reducing carbon emissions. We invest in optimising energy and process efficiencies and replacing fossil fuel-based energy with renewable sources. Some of our mills provide electricity generated by the plant to local communities.

sdg 8

Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8)

We work towards a fair, safe, diverse and inclusive workplace for 22,000 Mondi employees who are offered good working conditions, upskilling programmes and individual career opportunities. We promote physical and mental wellbeing and purposeful employment. Our support for local enterprises creates employment opportunities, strengthens the local supply chain and promotes resilient communities.

sdg 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9)

We invest in local infrastructure and our operations, creating business opportunities and driving collaboration. Our purpose to make packaging and paper that is sustainable by design means that we take a leading role in product innovation and redesign to shape the future of a circular economy. We have clear investment plans to upgrade our operational infrastructure, drive resource efficiency and shift to renewable energy sources.

asg 12

Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)

Innovation in sustainable packaging and reducing plastic waste provides a growth opportunity, while also reducing our environmental impacts. The efficient use of raw materials and energy is fundamental to being a sustainable business. We innovate with customers to design fit-for-purpose packaging and paper solutions for a sustainable end-of-life.

sdg 13

Climate action (SDG 13)

Our climate action tackles the interconnected challenges of climate change, deforestation, water scarcity and biodiversity loss. We commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the resilience of forests and managing our impacts on biodiversity and freshwater ecosystems. We support the transition to a low-carbon economy as we deliver against our science-based Net-Zero targets. We will continue to strategically invest in our operations and increase the usage of renewables.

sdg 15

Life on Land (SDG 15)

In our forestry landholdings in South Africa we develop and implement best practices to secure long-term productivity and resilience, while managing conservation areas and key ecosystems to maintain biodiversity, water and other natural capital. This involves engaging with scientific organisations and partners on how to improve biodiversity management and the resilience of forests to climate change. 

2024 sustainability report

See our 2024 sustainability report and indices and read about our committments and performance against our action areas and targets.

2024 sustainability report