Monomaterial thermoforming films Recycled Content Films WalletPack
More sustainable barrier films More sustainable barrier films More sustainable barrier films

More sustainable barrier films

These innovative products are the highlight of our ongoing sustainability journey to support our customers to pack their products in a recyclable solution with a low carbon footprint.

  • Reduced carbon footprint
  • Monomaterial facilitating 95/5 criteria for recyclability
  • Multilayer-structure with high barrier properties for excellent product protection




Monomaterial Thermoforming Films

Monomaterial thermoforming films

In addition to offering high oxygen and water vapour barriers while facilitating 95/5 recyclability criteria, our PE-and PP-based monomaterial thermoforming films come with excellent aroma, odour and gas barrier. They have a high residual wall thickness thanks to a uniform gauge distribution and outstanding thermoforming properties, allowing a perfect fit for the product shape. In addition, they also extend the shelf-life for the packaged products. Monomaterial thermoforming films are ideal for thermoforming and semi-rigid-tray applications.

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