
Go2Sack helps you to design sacks for your specific application using the appropriate sack kraft paper.


Calculate and design your sack

The innovative Mondi mobile app is a market first for the paper and sack kraft industry. It gives you easy access to product-related information, technical data and the most appropriate paper for various filling conditions. Find the best paper grade for your individual sack and minimize the time you need to place an order.

Mondi Sack Kraft Paper Academy

Mondi Sack Kraft Paper Academy

We all know that choosing the right kraft paper for your customers and their needs is not always easy and the process itself has its own mysteries. Luckily, you are not alone in this, we are here to share with you our knowledge and expertise through our Mondi Sack Kraft Paper Academy! Of course the videos are also available on Go2Sack.

Which configuration functions does the app have

Why you should watch our Sack Kraft Paper Academy videos

Are the Sack Kraft Paper Academy videos available in the app?

Where can I download the app?

Download your Go2Sack app today

Download Go2Sack now – free of charge – and use Mondi’s sack kraft paper in the most cost-efficient way.

Go2Sack app download