
re/cycle FlexiBags are pre-made, reclosable packaging solutions designed for recycling. They are available with different thicknesses, barrier properties and features, including customisable sizes and bottom constructions.

  • Easy to handle and store for the end user
  • Suitable for a filling weight of up to 20 kg
  • Excellent printability for an attractive shelf appearance





re/loop flexiBag reinforced

re/loop Flexibag Reinforced

re/loop FlexiBag Reinforced is a PE-based mono-material packaging with improved mechanical properties, protecting a wide range of products thanks to its high barrier protection.

This cost-effective solution is created in-house, leveraging our integrated value chain and can be tailored to different customers’ needs.

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Finding a customised packaging solution that meets the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) requirements with Mondi.

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

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