myMondi Corrugated Solutions
myMondi, the all-in-one service platform for Corrugated Solutions customers, offers powerful features that will make your everyday business easier. myMondi is easy to use, tailored to your needs and meets the highest security standards.
+ Simple log-in
+ Intuitive navigation
+ 24/7 access
EASY Business
+ Re-order products quickly and easily
+ Easy access to product portfolio with customized product search
+ Real time stock information
+ Stock Management: Reorder from available stock
+ Claims creation and history
+ Download product certificates and technical data sheets (soon)
EASY Tracking
+ Convenient to access, monitor and download reports:
+ Orders, invoices, stocks, claims

Simply try it.
Just get in touch with your Mondi sales contact. We will take care of authorisation, send you the log-in credentials and other information, and support you during onboarding to enable you to optimise your use of the platform. Questions and feedback are welcome. After all, it’s your platform! This is just a starting point for making your daily business routines more convenient. We would be more than pleased to hear your ideas about making myMondi even more useful. Please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Your services
How can we help?
We're passionate about providing exceptional packaging solutions and can't wait to hear from you!