Our new Stakeholder Engagement Conversations: Insights on the pilot and findings in Ružomberok!

We held the first ‘Stakeholder Engagement Conversations’ in our Ružomberok mill (Slovakia), replacing the Mondi SEAT process.
At Mondi we want to have a thorough understanding of local stakeholders' perceptions of our operations and the topics that are important to them. In October 2023, we invited local stakeholders around our Mondi SCP mill in Ružomberok (Slovakia) to a series of open conversations facilitated by an independent third party. This included employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, regional elected officials and representatives of educational institutions, public authorities, local media and NGOs.
Stakeholder Engagement Conversations replacing SEAT
A recent review of the Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox (SEAT) process, which has been in place at Mondi since 2005, resulted in the updated Stakeholder Engagement Conversations being established. Reflecting on learnings and feedback received, the process is now more focused on relevant topics per stakeholder group, allowing for in-depth interpretation of the findings and targeted action plans.
Our findings from Mondi SCP
We are happy to have received positive overall feedback from local stakeholders in Ružomberok during the Stakeholder Engagement Conversations pilot. They confirmed the value of Mondi as a stable and reliable partner supporting the community and recognised the significant improvements to the mill’s environmental performance. Our internal and external stakeholders also appreciate the strong focus on safety and health, noting the professionalism and qualifications of our employees. More proactive and effective communication on internal projects and initiatives as well as further reduction to the mill’s environmental impacts have been raised as areas for continued focus. The local management team has reviewed the findings and recommendations, which will inform future decision-making and communication.
See the executive summary of our Stakeholder Engagement Conversations below. It explains the approach, the main findings and management response and is available in English and Slovak language.
Stakeholder Engagement Conversations 2023
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