Mondi eCommerce performance lab to test packaging solutions

Located in the Czech Republic, our Mondi Performance Lab has state-of-the-art equipment that simulates the typical impact of packed goods in each supply chain step.
In 2023, we expanded our International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)-approved testing services to all our eCommerce packaging solutions to meet customer demand. ISTA defines test procedures to determine how packaging should perform to protect its contents. It can now test all converted solutions such as MailerBAGs and corrugated boxes.
Our ISTA laboratory is the partner of choice for testing Amazon’s Tier 1–3 compliant packaging: FFP – Frustration Free Packaging, SIOC – Ships in Own Container and PFP – Amazon Prep-Free Packaging. The lab services include clamp, vibration, drop, and compression tests, certifications, and test reports for various ISTA standards.
Mondi’s new eCommerce webinar series launched in 2023, called ‘Your challenge is our challenge’, included a session on the ISTA lab. The conversations are hosted by Mondi’s Group eCommerce Director and cover automation, innovation, sustainability and latest market trends. Look at our Mondi performace lab page and access all sessions any time.
2023 sustainability report
See our 2023 sustainability report and indices and read about our committments and performance against our action areas and targets.