Mondi Minneapolis - Logistic Center

Contact info
Mondi Minneapolis
Main Street Exchange Bldg 123 W Main St
55387 Waconia, Minnesota, United States
Tel.: +1 763 574 2636
55387 Waconia, Minnesota, United States
Tel.: +1 763 574 2636
About Mondi Minneapolis - Logistic Center
Mondi Minneapolis is the distribution and logistics center for Mondi in North America.
Since 1994 we have provided logistics services and support for a wide array of Mondi businesses with customers in Canada in the US.
Mondi plants – and their US/CA customers - are our best references:
Currently working with Mondi Plants: Inncoat, Hilm, Jülich, Orebro, Heerlen, Tekkote, Zeltweg, Jackson, Styria, Steti, Steinfeld/Halle, Solec (PL), Thailand
& across a number of Mondi Divisions: Release Liner, Flexible Packaging, Uncoated Fine Paper, Functional Paper & Films, Engineered Materials, and others.