Mondi SCP

Mondi SCP

Contact info

Mondi SCP a.s.
Tatranská cesta 3
03417 Ružomberok, Slovakia
+421 44 436 2222

Production capacity uncoated fine paper


Production capacity packaging paper


Paper machines

About Mondi SCP

Mondi SCP in Ružomberok is one of Mondi’s largest plants and is the biggest integrated mill producing paper and pulp in the Slovak Republic, with a production capacity of 580,000 tonnes of uncoated fine paper, 310,000 tonnes of containerboard, 67,000 tonnes of kraft paper and 100,000 tonnes of market pulp. Paper has been produced in Ružomberok for over 300 years and its production has long history in Liptov region. The abundance of the raw materials like wood, water, and energy has had a favourable influence on the development of the mill.

The wood comes from certified, well-managed forests under FSC™ as well PEFC™ schemes. The increased volumes of production thus go hand in hand with continuously decreasing our footprint on the environment.

Awards & Certificates

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Mondi SCP

Sustainability and safety certificates

If you need information about specific Quality and/or Hygiene certificates, please contact your Mondi sales representative.

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