Mondi Sales Office Romania

Contact info
Mondi Bucharest SRL
4 Wilhelm Filderman street, et. 3, ap. 19, sector 3
030866 Bucharest, Romania
+40 31 419 55 36 // +40 747 11 85 21
030866 Bucharest, Romania
+40 31 419 55 36 // +40 747 11 85 21
About Mondi Sales Office Romania
The local team manages marketing and sales activities of the complete Mondi Uncoated Fine Paper portfolio for the Romanian market.
As a leading supplier of office, digital and offset printing papers, we work closely with paper merchants and original equipment manufacturers. Through these collaborations, we set high standards for quality, innovation and environmental aspects of our products.
The Mondi brands that we distribute in Romania include IQ, MAESTRO®, BIO TOP 3®, Nautilus®, DNS®, PERGRAPHICA® - the premium design paper range - and Color Copy - the leading colour laser printing paper in Europe.
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