Mondi Hinton

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About Mondi Hinton
The Hinton Pulp mill in Alberta, Canada, started production in 1957 and has the capacity to produce around 250,000 tonnes of unbleached kraft pulp (UKP) per annum. In 2023, Mondi acquired the Hinton Pulp mill from West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd and as part of the transaction, Mondi entered a long-term partnership with West Fraser to access local, high-quality fibre from a well-established wood basket.
Mondi intends to invest in the mill to improve productivity and sustainability performance and, subject to pre-engineering and permitting, invest in expanding the facility primarily with a new kraft paper machine. The acquisition of the mill, and investment in the paper machine, will fully integrate operations in the Americas and enable Mondi to secure the long-term supply of high quality, cost competitive kraft paper into its network of 10 paper bags plants in the region, better positioning Mondi to support the growing market demand for industrial and mailer bags.
Historic milestones
1956 – St. Regis Paper & North Canadian Oils formed joint venture
1957 – St. Regis acquired North Canadian Oils and Hinton began producing
1985 – Hinton acquired by Champion Forest Products
2000 – Hinton acquired by International Paper
2005 – West Fraser acquired Hinton
2016 – Mill achieved annual production record of ~375,000 ADMT/year (using single pulp machine)
2022 – Transitioned from dual to single line production, and began UKP production in October
2023 – Mondi plc (Mondi) a global leader in the production of sustainable packaging and paper, agreed to acquire the 250,000 tonne per annum Hinton Pulp mill
Sustainability and safety certificates
If you need information about specific Quality and/or Hygiene certificates, please contact your Mondi sales representative.