We are a global leader in packaging and paper, contributing to a better world through innovative solutions that are sustainable by design.
We offer a uniquely broad range of innovative products and tailored solutions that help our customers to make more sustainable packaging and paper choices.
We continue taking action to achieve our sustainability commitments.
Let's Grow, Create and Inspire Together. Join us to unlock your full potential and help make the world a better place.
We have a long-term focus on delivering value accretive growth, sustainably.
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Bahnhofstraße 3 8740 Zeltweg, Austria Tel.: +43 3577 9001 0
Frantschach 5 9413 St. Gertraud, Austria Tel.: +43 43525300
Marxergasse 4a 1030 Vienna, Austria +43 1 790 13 0
Steyrtalstrasse 5 4594 Grünburg, Austria Tel.: +43 7257 6010 150
Erwin Schrödinger Str. 2 2100 Korneuburg, Austria Tel.: +43 2262 72093 7000
Heide 3. Straße 1 3331 Kematen an der Ybbs, Austria +43 7475 500 0
Theresienthalstraße 50 3363 Ulmerfeld-Hausmening, Austria +43 7475 500 0
Waidhofner Str. 11 3331 Hilm, Austria Tel.: +43 7448 20181 0