Share price
Mondi is listed on the London Stock Exchange in the ESCC category (MNDI), where the Group is a FTSE100 constituent. It also has a secondary listing on the JSE Limited (MNP). This live feed is updated with a 15 minute delay.
London Stock Exchange (LSE)
Ticker | MNDI |
Sector | General Industrials - Containers and Packaging |
Listing date | 3 July 2007 |
Johannesburg stock Exchange (JSE)
Ticker | MNP |
Sector | Basic Resources – Forestry and Paper |
Listing date | 3 July 2007 |
The information contained in this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing general information about Mondi Group.
It does not constitute advice or an offer to sell or deal in any securities and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.
Information presented is believed to be reliable but is subject to change at any time without notice. Mondi Group does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy.
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