Work at Group office Vienna

Together for a sustainable future: the Group Office Vienna is one of our two headquarters and the centre of our business units as well as group functions. #GrowCreateInspireTogether

Take a virtual look into our Group Office!

Virtually visit our Group Office Vienna and take a look at your possible future workplace! Simply click directly into the image and move the mouse to get an all-round view, change floors using the navigation points in the orange box and follow the arrows on the floor through the hallways and rooms.







The Mondi Way

The Mondi Way

Our strategic approach builds on our current competitive advantages while providing a clear roadmap for our investments and operational decisions so that we can continue to deliver sustainable value in the future. The Mondi Way shows how our strategy, purpose and culture are intrinsically connected.

Our collaborations and initiatives

Our benefits

Our benefits depend on your position and department and can include:

Discounts and subsidies

Flexible working

Fitness and health

Inspiring workplace with international collaboration

Training and development


Networking opportunities

Mitarbeiterin im Büro

Our recruiting process

Has one of our advertisements caught your attention? Or were you recommended by one of our employees? In both cases, we look forward to your application! In order to reward the efforts of our employees who point out a job to their friends through our employee referral program, they receive a small thank you if their recommendation is hired. What you can expect in the recruiting process:

Your application arrives

Arrival of your application via our online recruiting tool.
Screening of your application by our recruiters and hiring managers in the following days.

The first contact


The decision

Mondi Büromitarbeitende schauen auf den Bildschirm

Come on board!

Have you received an offer from our recruiters? Congratulations! Your Mondi Experience will start shortly and we will do our best to make your start as easy as possible. 

Before you start:

Your 1st week

Your 1st year

Our awards

Mitarbeiterin arbeitet am Tablet

Contact us!

Mondi Group Office Vienna

Marxergasse 4A

1030 Wien

+43 1 7901 30


Your contact persons:

Cristina Espino (she/her) and Ines Lagler (she/her)