Work at Mondi Trebsen

Trebsen mainly produces paper sacks for the building materials industry in the German market.

Mondi Trebsen

The Mondi factory in Trebsen (near Leipzig) was rebuilt in 1992 and has been completely integrated into the Mondi Group since 1997. We mainly produce paper sacks for the building materials industry in the German market. However, due to the existing strong technical know-how for the development of innovative paper sack solutions and special features that meet the special requirements of different industries, paper sacks are also produced for them. The two German industrial bag factories produce bag solutions for customers from a wide range of industries such as the cement, construction and chemical industries, and the food, animal feed and seed industries. Our product portfolio includes highly durable, quickly fillable and air-permeable bags that can be equipped with sophisticated airtight or vacuum seals and barrier layers.

Protector Bag in der Produktion

Innovative and sustainable

Our products, industrial bags and bag constructions, are manufactured to the highest quality standards and offer innovative and sustainable solutions on the market.

Mitarbeiterin in der Produktion


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