Work at Mondi Eschenbach

Mondi Eschenbach currently employs around 190 people and 6 trainees. We offer a modern and secure workplace.

Two male operations workers

Mondi Eschenbach GmbH specialises in the production and distribution of packaging solutions made from corrugated cardboard. We cover a wide spectrum, from folding boxes to punched and glued packaging to special eCommerce packaging. The company was founded as “Wellpappenwerk Ranna Konrad Ströbel Kommanditgesellschaft” in Ranna near Auerbach. In 1984 the company moved to a new building in Eschenbach in Upper Palatinate.


Is your dream job as versatile as you are?

Do what makes you happy!

Gezeichnete Menschen auf einem Baum
Feier der Awardverleihung mit dem Team auf der Bühne

Innovation award winner

2018 VDW Innovation Prize Corrugated Cardboard in the “Transport” category

2022 Worldstar Global Packaging Award

2023 Worldstar Global Packaging Award

mitarbeitenden im Garten


Your well-being is important to us! That's why we offer a wide range of employee benefits. Discover what's included:

Corporate Health Management

Social commitment

Flexible working

Training and development

Additional benefits

Start your career with us now!