Packaging technologists

The job description of a packaging technologist is as varied as it is creative. As a packaging technologist, you are responsible for ensuring that computers, smartphones, clothes or food reach the customer undamaged.


Packaging technologists

Become an expert in packaging technology and explore our world of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions.

operational worker
Mitarbeiter:innen besprechen eine Verpackung

Your tasks

With us you will learn how to use CAD software to create environmentally friendly and innovative packaging, taking various factors into account, such as: B. customer specifications and ecological considerations.

As a packaging technologist, you also monitor, control and optimize the manufacturing process. Here you will learn how to set up the technically demanding, often computer-controlled, high-performance machines, plan the material requirements and ensure a trouble-free production process.

Mitarbeiterin in der produktion

Your profile

  • Willingness to perform and learn
  • Sense of responsibility
  • Conscientiousness and care
  • Teamwork and flexibility
  • Technical understanding and craftsmanship
  • Qualified secondary school leaving certificate
Maschine mit verpackung

Further information

  • Duration of training: 3 years
  • Securing employment in the first year after training
  • 30 days vacation